Every clinical team is different.

We recognise each clinical team works in a different way, in different circumstances and has a different skill-mix and case-mix.

How we customise your deployment.

We will begin by asking your clinical team to complete an Information Gathering Pack which tells us about how your clinical team works.

Once our Digital Enablement Team has understood your team’s circumstances, needs and clinical processes, we will create an alpha version of the products purchased for your team to use with dummy patients in a sandpit.

We will then take your team’s comments on their experience of using the alpha version and refine your deployment to create a Beta version which the clinical team should use for private-beta trial on about 20 real patients you provide care to.

If there are any comments from patients or clinicians in the private-beta trial or any bugs have occurred, we will fix these prior to a full beta implementation involving up to 100 of your patients.

This beta phase will run for 4 months during which patients and clinicians will be asked to log comments. These will then be addressed in a final round of customisation to give you a tested production module to be used for all your patients.

Customised in-platform Helpdesk for support and incidents.

Incidents and bugs are reported through the in-platform help desk. Each incident raises a ticket which is assigned as priority and resolved in the timescale agreed with the deploying team for that priority. These incidents and bugs are dealt with by Virtually’s development team.

In addition, if you would like, we will customise your clinical team’s Helpdesk to accommodate care support requests from the team’s patients which would be dealt with by the clinical team or their administration staff.

On-going customisation and change requests

In our experience in the first six months following deployment, clinicians and patients identify further points of customisation and have change requests.

Support is given by Virtually’s digital enablement team (DET) to consider such requests. Our clinical safety officer who is a member of the DET will consider clinical safety hazards and recommend mitigations.

Change requests are made by a clinician or patient user by raising a ticket in the in-platform Helpdesk.